Track your progress
Tracking your progress in games and offers helps you meet goals and earn more kash. Check the timeline of your in-progress games and offers to see where you’re at, how much time you have, and what you will earn when you meet each goal.
NOTE:In the KashKick iOS app, games are called Challenges, and Offers are called Cashback Deals.
About timelines
Each game or offer has a unique timeline that shows:
- Goals–a level you must reach or an action you must take
- The kash you will earn for reaching each goal
- The number of days you have to complete each goal, if applicable
Note each timeline goal so you can reach goals and earn more kash!
Check out this example of a game timeline on our Android app.
And here’s an example of an offer timeline on our Android app.
NOTE:Our tracking system is based on hours, not days. That means we note the time of day you start working toward a goal. For example, if the time requirement for a goal is 1 day, you have 24 hours to complete it.
View in-progress games and offers
Go to Games or Offers, then select the In Progress tab.
NOTE:Games and offers can take up to 24 hours to appear on their respective In Progress tab. Check the History tab to see games and offers you’ve already completed.
- Go to Games or Offers and tap the In Progress tab.
- Tap the game or offer.
- Scroll to the timeline to view timeline goals.
- Go to Challenges or Cashback Deals and tap the In Progress tab.
- Tap the challenge or cashback deal.
- Scroll to the timeline to view goals.
- Go to Games or Offers and click the In Progress tab.
- Click the game or offer.
- Scroll to the timeline to view timeline goals.
Timeline goal statuses
Icons and colors indicate the status of goals on a timeline and help you track your progress.
- An empty green circle means you haven’t started the goal, but there’s still time.
- A green circle with a checkmark means you reached a goal on time.
- A green arrow in a green circle means to keep going–you still have time to reach the goal.
- A green arrow in a gray circle means time ran out for the goal you’re on, but keep going so you can reach the next goal.
- A gray circle with a checkmark shows that you reached the goal but were too late for the reward.
INFO:If you miss a goal, don’t give up. Keep playing to get back on track! If you miss the final goal, keep playing for fun or start a new challenge.